Saturday, November 22, 2014

PWS Exhibition

"Ivy League"

Sorry for the long, long absence. In the wake of the 30-day challenge, I lost my groove, and turned all my attention to work and family for a while. With the holiday season looming, I now have to get back into painting because I have several projects that I need to finish before Christmas.

Since my last post, I delivered "Ivy League" to Harrisburg, Pa., for the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society's 35th annual International Juried Exhibition. PWS hosts a very, very nice show, and I am very gratified to be included.

The exhibit will hang at the State Museum of Pennsylvania in Harrisburg until Feb. 8, 2015.

Here is a link to the PWS website, which includes information about the show, and includes a gallery of the award winners.

Also, the show is listed on the Changing Exhibits page of the State Museum at and on that page is a photo of the entrance of the show. And my painting can be seen in that photo!

Here is the image from the State Museum page, and at right is a little inset where I've circled my painting. It looks so tiny compared to the paintings on either side!


  1. I will check it out!
    CONGRATS to YOU...what an honor!
    I am in the exhibit right next door in the PA State Museum, too = )
    Too Cool...and your work is so lovely!

    1. Hi Sue! Made the trip to Harrisburg yesterday to see the show and made a point to visit Art and Barriers as well. Truly a small world...LOVED your piece!
